Alice in Muan 애리스~


I had a great opportunity to be invited to my friend’s parent’s home for a country-style barbeque. Having initially thought I will be going to an apartment with guaranteed air conditioning…instead, a group of us were driven an hour away into the countryside. Turns out my friend’s parent’s home was in a small county of Muan which is located in the most southern west of Korea. Yup…it’s time to get my country Korean diallect out again! 😀

I really question my stupidity at times…what on earth was I thinking wearing a thick polo shirt? Turned out we ate outside in the whopping 35 degree weather T_T. It was all worth it after eating the succulent roast pork, and the roast chicken! It was really fascinating how the country folks use a truck to roast these animals (picture available on my Facebook page (if you are a vegetarian, or have a love for animals…DON’t click!)) .


After a glutinous meal we were on our way home. To our surprise we came across a farm of withering pink trees. So I literally yelled STOP THE CAAARRR! I literally REFUSE to go home without a doing a little cam whoring.

This place literally brought me back memories of the epic Colors of Korea – Yellow project that I did not too long ago….I had such a creativity rush back then so I really wanted to try doing it again someday…But I seriously couldn’t believe my luck! However due to the time constraints, we shot all this under 10 minutes….seriously wished I had an hour~ Pity~

So what is the tree name and the exact location you ask?
Well, I don’t know because I think we trespassed into private grounds… 😀

Somewhere in Muan

Cherry Blossom Ending ~ 벛꽃 엔딩

Spectators and Cherries
Couple taking pictures
pink pink
cherries and skyscrapers-1
LotteWorld Cherry blossom festival

Whilst the western media is currently busy bombarding the worrisome public with North Korea’s lame threats, South Koreans and expats decided to use this time of crisis to call up their honey boo boos to go out on a date to witness the Cherry Blossom festival.  To be honest, there is generally nothing to worry about and really, nobody gives a Kim Jung Un about it.  If something does happen (let’s hope not) I will make sure to Facebook message my family one last time telling you to turn my room into a shrine of myself and NOT into a storage room!

Depressing thoughts aside, the cherry blossom season is now over down south at the Jeolla province, but it has JUST begun at all Northern provinces such as Seoul.   Spring was very much delayed this year, but in return Korea was gifted with amazing natural beauty and tolerable heat.  Everything was perfect, except being a severe hay fever sufferer means I have to be constantly under medication nowadays (=_=) However no complaints here!!!  I mean how can you after seeing colourful nature blossoming within a heavily congested city.

The Lotte World Cherry blossom festival held one of the biggest festivals in Korea.  Other than walking along the path whilst hypnotized over the falling pink petals, performances from various academies and groups can be seen singing and dancing on stage.  Pathways were flocked with families and young couples soaking in the spring atmosphere.

I miss my family…and where is my girl dammit?

I would say more about this place, but there is only so much a guy can ramble on about how pretty the flowers are, and I’m also running out of adjectives from my thesaurus.  On a serious note, I hope by looking at my pictures you can feel how warm and buzzing the atmosphere was…maybe you can feel how I felt that day.  If not, send me an e-mail and I’ll send you a detailed account of what I experienced that day…*brings out thesaurus*

The cherry blossoms will be gone soon so be quick!  I believe the festival at Yeoido, Seoul have just recently begun.  Go go go!

How to get to Lotte World Park:

40-1 Jamsil-dong Songpa-gu, Seoul

Subway station: Jamsil  station (line 2 and line 8) exit 4.

Look for ‘Lotte World’ signs showing you directions.  It’s the main attraction of this district so you should have no problems 😉

[Jeju Island] Wild Flower Fields



Let’s have a picnic here!


My friend and I stumbled across this flower field on the way to the Manjanggul Lava cave. The Manajanggul cave (UNESCO World Heritage Site and holding the status of Natural Monument No.98) …well if you experienced it i think the flower fields are much better…so my advice is to stay in these fields…have a picnic with friends and bite a sandwich…rather than trekking all the way down to see a ‘cave’. Yes…the cave was such a disappointment in my opinion…because it was ONLY a cave…nothing spectacular…the great lava canyon and all the pictures you see on the internet were prohibited from public viewing….boooooooo!!!!

So yes…stay in these fields…it’s more eye catching and beauuutiful! Boo “UNESCO” cave.

still bitter…


Jeju State of Mind


Finally….i get to visit one of the 7 natural wonders of the world…really needed this break from my school as the boys almost killed me on the last Friday. (x_x)

I’ve heard nothing but good reviews about this place and in all honesty it has lived up to it’s expectations….but who knew there were  SoooO MUCH things to do here? 


Oww just two words to describe the island…..

F****** BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


More Jeju updates to come!….but now i sleep…zzzz